Time Heals All Wounds…or Does It?

The old adage that "time heals all wounds" is not true. For those of you that have been on earth for any length of time know that time, in and of itself, does not heal wounds. In fact, over time, our wounds become deeper, we become more angry, bitter, resentful, and unforgiving. In a nutshell, we become people we don't want to be and for many of us, we have no idea how we became that way. We attempt to change by coping in ways that are destructive. We numb out to avoid the pain we are in by drinking, drugs, pills, excessive television watching, shopping, overeating, pornography, anger, control, etc. You name it, all these things will numb out the pain temporarily, but they will not heal the pain. So, then, how do we heal the painful wounds we have been living with for years?

Time: to do the inner healing work to heal the pain that has deepened over time by stuffing, numbing, and running. It takes time to really look inside to see what is there and actually deal with it. Face it head on; identify the pain, why it's there, the origin(s) of that pain, get to the root of it, and allow Jesus to heal it so that you never have to live in it again. It took a long time for you to get to where you are: a person with so much baggage that your baggage has baggage. It will take time to unpack it, look at it, understand it, and release it. 

My question to you is: are you worth the time to finally deal with the pain so that you can live a life that is free and abundant? Are you willing to no longer be a prisoner to the lies you have believed all these years that has kept you in bondage? You are powerless to change things you are not aware of or do not understand. 

"Pain is a message or even a gift from God to show us when something is wrong so we will respond to it."1  Take the first step in moving toward change that brings hope. 

1.  From The Genesis Process change group workbook.


Taking the Risk to Change